Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"What does your car (...) say about you" 1min
Re-make of the Greenpeace commercial. Instead of a car we could use trays/paper cups/water/energy etc. We could make again, three versions. One in Usdan, one in the dorms and one in library/classroom.

Click here to watch the video.


"Waiting for Global Warming"
1. A
A close-up of a guy sitting in a desk. He is bored. He plays with a pencil, whistles, makes faces, looks into the camera. 15-20 sec
Extreme Long Shot of a huge classroom. The classroom is empty, except for the guy. After about 3 sec comes a title: "John Smith. Waiting for Global Warming." 10-15 sec.
TITLE on a black screen: "And how long are YOU going to wait?"
SLOGAN. Join Wesleyan
Visit website.

Total length: 45 sec

The same structure for 2 other variations of "Waiting for Global Warming". One suggestion: Guy in the middle of a busy crossroad (could be Manhattan?) sitting on a chair. Any ideas? What about subway?

"Spread the Word"
total length: 1min
Sequence of short shots of students/faculty/staff spreading "the word". Examples: student whispering to other student on a lecture, student writing a message and putting in secretly into a book in the library, president Roth coming to his office and finding a huge envelope in middle of his mail, student writing a message on a wall, student standing on the roof of CFA and calling message, etc.

Other ideas?
This video would be followed by a "real" spread the word campaign.

"Don't" 2 - 3 min
Wesleyan variation on "Don't vote" commercial. Collection of professors, students and visible figures on campus (cook from Bon Appetite etc.) "Don't compost, don't recycle etc."

Look at "Don't Vote"

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